Many of the figures in the book have been taken from the interferometry literature, but many had to be prepared from scratch or reworked into a different format. The 2-D and 3-D plots were prepared using the open-source programming language Python and its numerical libraries Numpy and SciPy, together with the Matplotlib plotting library. Many of the diagrams were prepared for the book by the author and by Fran Harwood-Whitcher, using the open-source program Inkscape and the commercial program Adobe Illustrator.
The source code for the plots and the editable SVG files for the diagrams are available online with open source licences (BSD-style and Creative Commons respectively). It is hoped this will encourage the use and further development of the material for the understanding of the techniques of interferometry.
The source files are available on a dedicated github repository, which can be browsed and downloaded using the github web interface (note that the entire repository can be downloaded using the "Download as ZIP file" link on the right-hand side of the repository web page). Alternatively, the figures can be browsed by chapter, and links to the editable files are given in the captions:
- Chapter 1 - Making fringes
- Chapter 2 - Basic imaging
- Chapter 3 - Atmospheric seeing and its amelioration
- Chapter 4 - Interferometers in practice
- Chapter 5 - Measurement noise
- Chapter 6 - Interferometric observation of faint objects
- Chapter 7 - Observation planning
- Chapter 8 - Data reduction
- Chapter 9 - Model-fitting and image reconstruction