Chapter 9
Model-fitting and image reconstruction

Figure 9.1: The abbreviated forward problem for model fitting SVG file: reduced-forward.svg
Figure 9.2: The (u,v)plane coverage of observations of VY CMa with the VLTI and the PIONIER instrument. From .
i1(x,y) figs/fizeau.png figs/michelson.png i2(x,y)
i12(x,y) figs/michelson-phase.png figs/fizeau-phase.png i21(x,y)
Figure 9.3: Upper row: Images of two founders of interferometry - H. Fizeau (left) and A. A. Michelson (right). Lower row: hybrid images made from combining the Fourier amplitudes of Fizeau and the Fourier phases of Michelson (left) and from combining the Fourier phases of Fizeau and the Fourier amplitudes of Michelson (right). Python file:
Figure 9.4: Images at several epochs of the evolved star IRC+10216, showing the complex structure of the dust shells around the star. From .
Figure 9.5: Image reconstructions of the dust around the supergiant VY CMa from the 2014 image "beauty contest" [].
figs/uv.png figs/pspec.png
Figure 9.6: (Left) The Fourier plane coverage of the Betelgeuse 710nm wavelength observations. (Right) The average power spectrum of 500 interferograms taken on Betelgeuse at 546nm wavelength. This data was taken using a 6-hole mask, but fringes are only visible on the shortest 7 out of 15 baselines because the source is resolved on longer baselines.
figs/vis.png figs/clp.png
Figure 9.7: A subset of the calibrated visibility (left) and closure phase (center) measurements on Betelgeuse at a wavelength of 710 nm. The visibility data is plotted for two similar position angles of the mask. The closure phase data is plotted for two sets of triples containing only short baselines and two sets of triples containing long baselines. The closure phases are labelled with the indices (1-10) of the baselines making up the triple. From .
Figure 9.8: Contour map of the reconstructed image of Betelgeuse at 710 nm. The contours are at 1,2,10,20,30,...,90% of the peak intensity.
Figure 9.9: Image of a red supergiant star simulated using 3-dimensional radiative hydrodynamic modelling. From .